Click here to enter the current Modern Cat cartoon caption contest!

Fall/Winter 2023/24 Winners

“Well Jerry, it looks like I won again.” –Submitted by Alia Vader

Runner-Up Captions

“Dang it, Carl, I told you catnip and chess don’t mix.” -Submitted by Kelli Readout

“I buried your rooks in the litter box.” -Submitted by TK Kindel

“Good job! Now, when they’re playing Scrabble, you wait till they have almost all the tiles on the board before you jump up and knock them over.” -Submitted by Paula DuMont

“I just knock over all the pieces, and I win. I call it the ‘Fragile Things on the Mantle’ strategy.” -Submitted by Joseph Dewan


Spring/Summer 2023 Winners

“Hang in there, Tom, you only have a few lives left.” – Submitted by Kelli Readout

Runner-Up Captions

“This isn’t a drive thru Ralph, you’re just gonna have to come in and convince them you are starving like the rest of us…” – Submitted by Jacki Wilson

“She’s firm. You can come in when you agree to the surgery.” – Submitted by Robin Praytor

“Wave to Mittens on your way down.” – Submitted by Silvana Lagrotteria

“Just 10 more reps, and I’ll let you in!” – Submitted by Janet Miller

“Carl, my guess is that this behaviour explains why you’re down to eight lives.” – Submitted by Marion Altieri

Fall/Winter 2022/23 Winners

Modern Cat Magazine Cartoons

“Just checked WebMD…looks like it’s either malaria, gangrene, or a hairball.” – Submitted by Kurt Elfering

Runner-Up Captions

“We’re in!!! Hellloooo Amazon!” – Submitted by Brendan Powers

“Okay! Do you want to see the fisheries live cam or should I find that video of big cat mating rituals?” – Submitted by Frances Olson

“To be honest I don’t think that this cat is even playing the piano.” – Submitted by Joseph Dewan

“Time to schedule a vet appointment…for the dog, that is!” – Submitted by Yvonne Steyer

Spring/Summer 2022 Winners

“This is Fred. He’s my indoor-outdoor human.” – Submitted by Lauren Brinjac

Runner-Up Captions

“I can fit through anything bigger than my head.” – Submitted by Robert Welch

“When you’re done playing around, my bowl is empty…” – Submitted by Kyle Knowlton

“You’re cute, but we’re going to make sure you’re neutered.” – Submitted by Joseph Dewan

“You may look ridiculous to me right now but imagine what your neighbours are seeing on the other side!” – Submitted by Lori Smigielski

Fall/Winter 2021/22 Winners

“It’s from Grub Hub. The dog ordered Nachos.” – Submitted by Joseph Dewan

Runner-Up Captions

“Mondays…am I right?” – Submitted by Linda Fukalek

“Oh, by the way, I sold the dog on the Internet.” – Submitted by Kathy Hook

“Let me stop you right there, Cheryl, not ’til I’ve had my morning coffee.” – Submitted by Patrick Holt

“No need to get up, I know where the cream is!” – Submitted by Toby Colllins

Spring/Summer 2021 Winners

“Litter box used in hall bathroom needs clean-up!” – Submitted by Cheryl Aisoff

Runner-Up Captions

“Susan, it’s time to get dressed!” – Submitted by Jessica Woodcock

“I bought this from Amazon with your laptop using my feet. Isn’t that precious?” – Submitted by Joseph Dewan

“This is your 4-hour wake-up call before your alarm goes off. I will be back again in an hour…as you were.” – Submitted by Carolynn Sokol

“I am going to sing you the song of my people.” – Submitted by Barbara Mayes

Fall/Winter 2020 Winners

“Welp, guess we’re down to 8 lives now after THAT catastrophe.” – Submitted by Sarah Elizabeth

Runner-Up Captions

“You’re right, Margret, the litter box seats ARE the best seats in the house!!” – Submitted by Deb Garner

“It’s so annoying when they cast an old tom as the love interest of a much younger queen.” – Submitted by Debbie Ferguson

“Did you want anything from the merch table? Catnip mouse, plastic ball, milk dish?” – Submitted by Darla Bragg

Fall/Winter 2019 and Spring/Summer 2020 Winners


“Does your pillow feel lumpy?” – Submitted by Patricia Tripp

Runner-Up Captions

“Nothing’s working. It’s your turn to set off the burglar alarm.” – Submitted by Charles Henton

“This is how you give your owner pink eye.” – Submitted by Richard Suarez

“And now let me show you the new dance I saw on Animal Planet.” – Submitted by Joseph Dewan

“Outta the way, fur ball coming up.”– Submitted by Connie Isaac

Spring/Summer 2019 Winners

“So a laser pointer, a sardine, and a ball of yarn walk into a cardboard box…” – Submitted by Jennifer Yamanuha

Runner-Up Captions

“Give it up for our first act on Open Mice Night…”Submitted by Rie Cosentino

“No surprise, tonight these jokes are gonna be cheesy!”Submitted by Toby Erin Collins

“Uh, so, this cat walks into a bar….”Submitted by Christine Pometta

“And this is why I think my agent is trying to kill me…”Submitted by Joseph Dewan


Fall/Winter 2018 Winners

“Honey, you’re in the cat’s side of the bed.” – Submitted by Courtney Annicchiarico

Runner-Up Captions

“I know you wanted the cat off the pillow, but I don’t think this is better.”Submitted by Jimmy Wilson

“That darned cat’s been in my hair all day long… NOW do you believe me!?”Submitted by Chris Pometta

“Did you know that my new shampoo has fish oil in it?”Submitted by Joseph Dewan

“It’d be more impressive without the embedded claws.”Submitted by Paul Handley


Spring/Summer 2018 Winners

“You can sit there all day; your bowl stays on the floor!” – Submitted by Robin Praytor

Runner-Up Captions

“I know I’m a ‘domestic’ shorthair, but this is carrying things too far.”Submitted by Linda Gallo

“What, no shrimp fork?”Submitted by Luigi Aurilio

“What the hell am I going to do with a ‘salad’ fork?”Submitted by Joseph Dewan

”Which one shall I swipe off the table first?”Submitted by Dorothy Kollat

“Or is it fork on the right and knife on the left?”Submitted by Suzanne Oldhaver


Fall/Winter 2017 Winners

“See! He is ignoring my Purr-sonal space again! ” – Submitted by Lynelle Christy

Runner-Up Captions

“Don’t look at me. It was Milo’s idea. I just came along for emotional support.”Submitted by Susan Gale Wickes

“I’m just an accomplice, he’s the meow-stermind.”Submitted by Juan Carrillo-Nava

“Keep your head down! If we can’t see them, they can’t see us!”Submitted by Rhonda Locke


Spring/Summer 2017 Winners

“Errr Cat-tain, we seem to be experiencing some furbulance.” – Submitted by Moet the Blind Cat

Runner-Up Captions

“Folks, we will be making an unscheduled stop to Cat-a-lina Island; it seems we have run out of milk.”Submitted by Marcelo Figueredo 

“I know YOU have nine lives, but think about the rest of us!”Submitted by Lynn Moore Smith

“You know, we really try to avoid the birds up here.” – Submitted by Susan Ang

“This is your Cat Tim speaking, the weather looks purrfect today, hope you enjoy our in flight magazine, Modern Cat.”Submitted by Samantha Smith


Fall/Winter 2016 Winners

“Ooh a new flavour! I will buy a whole bunch and then suddenly stop liking it.” – Submitted by Erin Wight

Runner-Up Captions

“Finding Nemo cat food, well that just seems both wrong and delicious.”Submitted by Joseph A. Dewan

“Decisions, decisions! I can be so finicky at times!”Submitted by Karen Hudzik 

“Felix was so happy with his tax return that he was going for top shelf tuna.”Submitted by James Needham


Spring/Summer 2016 Winners

“So I guess it’s just a matter of time before pigs fly.” – Submitted by Amy Hartl Sherman

Runner-Up Captions

“The only reason I’m up here is because they won’t let me on the furniture.”Submitted by Joseph A. Dewan

“Yeah, we used to get a whole CAN of tuna but now it’s just a mini-bag of kibble.”Submitted by Anita Murano


Fall/Winter 2015 Winners

“For the last time, I cannot give you my mother’s recipe for tuna casserole.” – Submitted by Gabrielle Hoeppner

Runner-Up Captions

“Get up and go watch ‘The Real Mousewifes of Cheese Town’ while I cook us both some chowder.”Submitted by Joseph A. Dewan

“Who’s up for Cat-chatori tonight?”Submitted by Trina Selvey

“I was hoping to surprise you with a delicious cooked mouse for your dinner.”Submitted by Wendy Kutin

“I haven’t eaten in weeks. Please move.”Submitted by Matty McFree


Spring/Summer 2015 Winners

“More like Scratching-Post-—, amirite?” Submitted by Megan Daniels

Runner-Up Captions

“I hope they serve twine with the cheese!”Submitted by Shelly Fielding

“This artist’s work is so realistic I can almost feel my instincts kicking in!”Submitted by Angela Smith

“You have to see my litter box art…”Submitted by Ken Schmierer

“Most think of this as just a ball of yarn…little do they know it is really a hairball I coughed up yesterday!”Submitted by Barb Morgan


Fall/Winter 2014 Winners

“You know as soon as you close that door I’m going to paw at it until it opens right?” – Submitted by Carolyn Johnson

Runner-Up Captions

“Pants? Isn’t today casual Friday?”Submitted by Brent Lymer

“I understand work is a rat race and I want to get them.”Submitted by Cynthia M Hocevar

“Would you like to borrow my lint brush?”Submitted by Liz Barnes Marquardt

“Just so you know, I’m feral, so I am going to freak out as soon as that door closes.”Submitted by Joseph A Dewan


Spring/Summer 2014 Winners

“Sorry, Officer… I thought the light was still grey!” – Submitted by Kevin Ennis

Runner-Up Captions

“This is because I’m a cat, right?”Submitted by Funny Girl

“Yes, I’m aware its daytime and I should be napping.”Submitted by Steve Claypatch

“I don’t care how fast that mouse was running!”Submitted by Neri Kastner

“Catnip? No I don’t smell any catnip. Not that I know what it smells like… Is it getting hot all of sudden?”Submitted by Joseph Dewan