

Meet Bastette

Bastette is our beautiful rescue cat. We found out she was at the shelter for three years prior. It was thought that she was 6 years old, but she turned out to be a "young at heart" 8 year old. Her sweet and shy nature makes everyone love her, including those who aren't what they would call "cat people". Friday the 13 turned out to be all of our "lucky day". The day she became part of our family. 

Facts About Me
  • Age 8yrs old
  • Nicknames "Bastette" with an old country accent
  • Dislikes peas
  • Foods treats, tuna, and most favorite of all, tilapia
  • Pastimes laying in the sun on the kitchen table or treadmill, lasers,paper bags, and large purses
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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