Bella Baby Bottom

Tabby X

Meet Bella Baby Bottom

Bella was the runt of a 9 kitten litter from a farm outside of town who had 2 outside cats they mistreated and 3 indoor cats who were treated like royality! The outside cats not only had to survive the weather and diseases but coyotes as well.  We initially went in to get 1 kitten for me to "baby" as my two kids were getting too old for Mum to baby anymore.  There were a total of 14 kittens from 2 litters!  After an hour or so we ended up leaving with 3!

Facts About Me
  • Age 7 weeks old
  • Nicknames Bella, Chubby Wubby, Princess Baby Bum
  • Dislikes Her brother picking on her, vacuuming,
  • Foods Whiskas dry (specially the meaty bites!), Friskies wet pate style only, tuna and pretty much anything Mummy will let me try!
  • Pastimes Napping, Yelling at Mum to shake the bowl so meaty bites come to the top and snuggling anyone who doesn't move too much!
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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