Dakota Dakitty

American Shorthair

Meet Dakota Dakitty

Dakota is our special girl, we rescued her from an alley in Maryland when we were out there for a wedding 3 years ago. We flew her home with us and she made a beautiful addition to our family. Our beloved golden retriever Bailey quickly became her best friend and they had a great bond. Sadly he passed away a couple weeks ago, so we are all trying to heal together. I love looking at pictures like this and thinking how sweet the bond was between our two babies. 

Facts About Me
  • Age 3
  • Nicknames Coco, Baby Girl, Cota, Miss Lady, Dr Stray
  • Dislikes Non cat people, the doorbell, thunder,
  • Foods Fish, steak, chicken, cookies and doughnuts that she steals off the counter
  • Pastimes Napping, playing laser, acting goofy to get attention, picking on her brother
Cats Like Me
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  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
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