

Meet Dante

I got Dante when he was just 8 weeks old from a local rescue. He had tested positive for FIV so they wanted to place him in a loving home as soon as possible. It was love at first sight! He is so lovable and full of purrsonality! He loves to lay on his back in my arms and have his belly rubbed. He also loves to give kisses and cuddle. Dante was retested at 6 months of age for the FIV and I am happy to report he tested negative!!! Today he is a happy healthy 3 year old kitty. 

Facts About Me
  • Age 3
  • Nicknames Baby Boy, Love Bug, Sweet Pea
  • Dislikes getting in the carrier to go to the vet
  • Foods Anything mom is eating, Temptations Catnip fever treats
  • Pastimes Running through the apartment as fast as he can at 4 AM, chewing cords, picking on his kitty sister Luna, snuggling, tummy rubs
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  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
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