

Meet Khaleesi

Happy girl, chirping her day away.. Begging for treats or someone to play fetch with her! She may be a little shorter than most fur babies, but she makes up for it with plenty of personality!

Facts About Me
  • Age 3
  • Nicknames Khaleezers, fuzz butt
  • Dislikes Nail trimming, not getting treats and getting my toys stuck under the fridge
  • Foods Meat treats and anything my mom is trying to eat
  • Pastimes Sleeping next to my mom or above her head on the pillow, getting groomed by my fat brother,purring, laying belly up for no reason, talking, fetch, eating treats, purring, naps and playing with my toys
Cats Like Me
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  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
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