Kissy the Kissing Tortoiseshell

Mixed Breed

Meet Kissy the Kissing Tortoiseshell

Kissy has known her fair share of struggles. She has suffered from asthma attacks since she was little. In addition, she is a little menace who chews and (attempts to) swallow any and every inedible WHOLE! I love her to death and it is painful seeing her have asthma attacks and be unable to breathe, but reminds me how resilient she is. It is truly inspiring. Kissy is grateful for her mom, her fans, and her fantastic vet.

Facts About Me
  • Age 10
  • Nicknames Kiss
  • Dislikes Sudden noises and movements
  • Foods Friskies and fancy feast! Pate, please!
  • Pastimes Cuddling and kissing
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