Luna and Brownie


Meet Luna and Brownie

Luna and Brownie are best friends. They were adopted from a humane society in August 2013. Brownie is an unusually colored cat with brown and white markings while Luna is a small, Siamese-mix who loves jumping and climbing to high places. They both love treats, playing, and wrestling. Check out their new website that they share with the wild birds:

Facts About Me
  • Age 10 months and 9 months
  • Nicknames Loony, Loon, Brown, Big Browns, Loons and Browns
  • Dislikes Loud noises
  • Foods Any kind of treats, dry food
  • Pastimes Sleeping, playing, wrestling, grooming, watching trash trucks
Cats Like Me
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  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
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