Miss Pickles

Dilute Torti / Calico

Meet Miss Pickles

Miss Pickles aka Pickles is a rescue from Bide-Awhile Animal Shelter in Dartmouth, NS, Canada. She was rescued when she was 2 yrs old and is now about 5. She is polydactyl on her front feet which makes her look like she has thumbs and is wearing little white mittens and on her back feet she is wearing white socks. Plans to make Pickles a house cat were thwarted when Pickles informed us she had other ideas. She is affectionate and gentle and loved by us all.

Facts About Me
  • Age 5
  • Nicknames Miss Pickles, Pickles or Pick
  • Dislikes oranges
  • Foods Chicken, ham, dog food
  • Pastimes cruising the neighbourhood, going into other peoples homes when they open the door.
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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