Mr. Pants


Meet Mr. Pants

Pants is a nice and handsome critter, despite frequent evil spells. He loves biting earlobes and grabbing legs. He wakes us up every morning with kisses and likes to lay flat against our backs longways, like a chicken strip. He’s awfully good at fruit ninja. He covers his litter extra good! Just before this photo, he was walking along the edge of the bathtub and accidentally got his feet and tail wet. Pictured above, Pants is extremely confused about what witchcraft has just occurred.

Facts About Me
  • Age 13 Weeks
  • Nicknames Pants, Mr. Panties, Moo Pants, Crevette, Moo Panties, Turkey Butt
  • Dislikes Not Having Attention Paid To Him, Sitting Still
  • Foods A Simple Boy; Gourmet Kibble
  • Pastimes Playing Fruit Ninja On The iPad, Practicing Good Manners, Exploring Everything, Giving Kisses, Wearing Striped Pants, Making Biscuits With White Gloves On, Biting Earlobes, Sleeping In His Banana Bed
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  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
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