Meet Padmé
Padmé came home with me at the age of she two months old. After a lot of begging, my parents allowed her to stay and she has become a big part of the family. She has grown into a beautiful, smart, and very mischevious cat (who now weighs 12 pounds by the way). And she has become my best friend and I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world (even when she wakes me up at 2am).
Facts About Me
- Age 1
- Nicknames Beebee, Lard-muffin, butt-head
- Dislikes smell of nail polish, people besides my family, my family smelling like other cats or dogs
- Foods strawberry yogurt, chicken, deli turkey, milk, anything I can lick off the kitchen floor
- Pastimes stealing objects and hiding them, knocking over cups, rummaging through purses and backpacks, drinking from the sink, sassing mom when I get in trouble
Comments (0)
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆
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