

Meet Raja

Hi! I'm Raja.  My Humans named me well. My name means "king" and I am known for my regal demeanor. I'm quite intelligent...and humble too! My Humans trained me to sit at the table and eat my dinner on a place mat, with only my front paws on the table, as etiquette dictates. I spend my days chasing my nephew, Arbuckle, grooming, sleeping, and doing tricks. I am the strong, silent type but when I speak, everyone listens! My Humans set up a blog for the two of us B

Facts About Me
  • Age 4
  • Nicknames Rajneesh, Raji Bear, Da Mans, Raji Pants, Da Fuzz
  • Dislikes getting my nails trimmed, being held for too long, raised voices
  • Foods tuna, turkey (prepared in ANY way!), people food like pork and steak
  • Pastimes chasing Arbuckle, jumping to catch Da Bird, looking out the window, sleeping on clean laundry
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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