

Meet Zoey

Zoey aka “Bubs” is the best kitter in the world. She is very loving and always wants cuddles. She loves to lay on her mommy or daddy’s lap and snore. She follows you all around the house and always wants to know what you is doing. She loves to give headbutts and get kisses on her nose. In stinker mode, she like to pounce at the back of your leg and “scare you”. Scratching at cardboard or flipping her stuffed animals up in the air are the best. Never a dull moment with loving little Zoey “Bubs”.

Facts About Me
  • Age 2 1/2
  • Nicknames Bubs
  • Dislikes The cold, being home alone, not being able to scratch on the walls
  • Foods Tuna, salmon, steak
  • Pastimes Being a ninja kitty, Drinking out of a cup, throwing my stuffed animals, Looking out the window, cuddles, playing with my cardboards
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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