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Tiny Cat Stories – Spring/Summer 2024

Cat love in short form: miniature, reader-submitted cat stories of no more than 100 words.

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Angry Orange


Within two weeks of adopting Miso, he was diagnosed with a serious heart condition. In 14 years, he’s been diagnosed with asthma, urinary crystals, anaphylactic shock, inflammatory bowel disease, and most recently, diabetes. Luckily, Miso has the attitude of a tiger crossed with an ill-tempered toddler and refuses to back down. His anger and bad attitude have kept him alive all these years, along with a great vet team and pet parents willing to sacrifice vacations and a whole lot of money. My greatest achievement has been keeping this guy alive, and he’s still bitter as ever. —Krista Carboni 

Forever Companions 

Not to make this a sad story by any means, but living in the country, we are able to bury our beloved fur babies on our property. When my husband and I met almost 20 years ago, we both had cats that grew up together. So now my 19-year-old has joined his 18-and-a-half-year-old in their little cemetery filled with cat ornaments. We like to think they are both continuing to keep each other company. —Cindy Moore 

Let’s Go Get Waffles 

We had finally moved into an animal friendly apartment. I looked at my partner and said, “We have to go get Waffles.” Waffles was a tuxedo cat in the adoption center where I volunteered. He had been up for adoption for eight months. Waffles hated everything and had scared off both adopters and volunteers. “No one else is going to take him.” 

That was 12 years ago, and it has all been worth it. He is not a lap cat and never will be, but that is okay. All cats deserve love and give it back in their own ways. —Emily J. Petrarca 

The Story Of Simon 

My daughter was heartbroken when she lost her cat. One night, when she was sad and unable to sleep, I told her to pray and ask God to send her a cat. That next night, while we enjoyed the warm summer evening, we heard stirring in the bushes and a meow. She ran over and in that bush was the sweetest tuxedo cat. She got treats, and he came to her. He was so affectionate. She named him Simon. He liked fishing, watching hockey, and cuddles. He was the most special gift because he came from a child’s prayers. —Nichole Whelpley 

Barn Cat Trades Up 

I first saw him on one of my trips to the barn where I board my donkey; a tiny black kitten with his left ear still healing from a TNR tip. The other barn cats bullied him, and he seemed starved for attention, so I wound up bringing him home. He was more than happy to turn in his barn cat card and has taken to indoor-only life like a duck to water! There was never a sweeter, funnier, snugglier cat. I guess some cats just aren’t cut out to be barn cats. Hitchcock is definitely one of these! —Jennifer Whipple 

Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Jethro was a huge, gentle, loving Maine Coon cat. My teenaged daughter brought home a new boyfriend, David. He seemed nice. While we made lunch in the kitchen, he waited on the sofa. We returned with lunch just in time to see Jethro rearing up on the sofa behind David’s head boxing his ears. THWACK, THWACK! After getting over the shock, I picked up the item David dropped during his assault. It was MY wallet! Jethro caught him stealing from my purse and came to the rescue! We never saw David again. Jethro lived another 14 years. —Roberta Kerr 

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This article originally appeared in the award-winning Modern Cat magazine. Subscribe today!

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