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cute bengal cat

Bored Cat? 13 Ways to Entertain Your Cat

13 fun new ways to entertain your cat and keep boredom at bay!

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Featured Photo Aerial Film Studio/AdobeStock

There are many good reasons to keep your cat indoors (chief among them: longevity), but you do have to work harder to provide environmental enrichment to keep your cat from becoming bored. These easy, fun tips keep cats entertained and mentally stimulated.

Ways to Enliven Your Bored Cat’s Day

  1. Leaving a trail of treats that lead to a hidden reward, such as a piece of chicken

    Cute cat reaching for treat on table at home

    New Africa/Bigstock

  2. Hanging a few unreachable mobiles around the home
  3. Placing a few unbreakable mirrors around the home at floor level

    ed marble Maine coon cat sits next to the mirror

    Irina Kulikova/Bigstock

  4. Leaving a feather on the floor
  5. Getting a ten-gallon fish tank with a secure lid, and stocking it with goldfish
  6. Leaving a curtain partially open

    The cat on the window sill


  7. Rubbing a piece of cheese on a windowsill
  8. Hiding a sprig of catnip
  9. Setting up a multi-leveled, carpeted “kitty condo” in the living room

    cat tower


  10. Leaving a few veterinarian-approved cat toys out
  11. Enticing your cat to play with a cat “teaser” wand
  12. Leaving out a small pot of wheat grass

    Cute Scottish fold cat sitting near catnip or cat grass

    Iryna Imago/Bigstock

  13. Dropping a frozen cube of broth into her water dish

These are just a few enrichments you can try: come up with some of your own and share them with us in the comments down below or on social media!

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