Fait, Fortune and Destiny.

British Black Shorthair

Meet Fait, Fortune and Destiny.

Fait, Fortune and Destiny are 3 of 8 male kittens found dumped in a layby nearby.  7 of the kittens were caught and took to a rehomeing centre. We adopted 2 of them which we named Fortune and Destiny.The 8th kitten could not be fount. Later in the week another kitten identical to Fortune and Destiny turned up outside the house malnourisehed and tired. We took him in the house and fell in love so we named him Fait.  Fait, Destiny and Fortune are now happy,safe and loved.

Facts About Me
  • Age 1 Year, 6Months
  • Nicknames Our Three Black Boys
  • Foods Dreamies
  • Pastimes Sleeping infront of the log burner
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
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