

Meet Ginny

Ginny is a beautiful orange cat full of life and light. As an female orange cat, she is super rare and unique. She has lots of extra toes on all of her paws and is very talkative. When you speak to her, she answers, and then some. Her softness is beyond compare and she loves to play with her many games in the house. She is a photogenic queen and the most unique cat. Vote for Ginny!

Facts About Me
  • Age 3
  • Nicknames Ginny poo, Ginny bean, B, minou, bébé, smol bean
  • Dislikes Ham, raw foods, stale water in a bowl, baths
  • Foods Tuna, Orijen dry food, Greenies treats, chicken strips treats
  • Pastimes Sleeping in the most random spots, playing with mom, running after treats, watching squirrels outside
Comments (1)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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