

Meet Hank

In 2020, Hank was abandoned at a hotel across the street from the building I'd recently moved into. Residents told me they'd seen him around for one month. He was losing fur, was scared, and was hungry. I went across the street to the busy public parking lot he was hanging around in, and came with a can of cat food for him. He began eating, allowed me to get close enough to pet him, and I was able to get him in my cat carrier and brought him home. I don't know how old he is, but he's so loving.

Facts About Me
  • Age Unknown. Possibly 6 years old.
  • Nicknames Bubbie and Hank the Tank.
  • Dislikes Strangers, fireworks, thunder, and dogs.
  • Foods Canned Friskies and canned Fancy Feast.
  • Pastimes Sleeping and chasing and wrestling with his fur sister, Rockie.
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