

Meet Lili

I rescued Lili, when she was just a few weeks old. Mom & babies (some deceased) were trying to live in abandoned apartment bldg behind my employer, in 1999. She was the absolute runt of the survivors and completely adorable. Lili was a cuddler, very playful and social. She grew into a beautiful girl, but passed on to Rainbow Bridge in October of 2001. Sadly, she was born with FIP. Once diagnosed, watching her become more ill by the day was heartbreaking. I wish I could relive those last d

Facts About Me
  • Age 2
  • Nicknames Lili Girl, Lili Willy, Lillies
  • Dislikes Bratty little kittens who wanted to play with her all the time lol
  • Foods Kitty food, treats, tastes of mommy food (sometimes)
  • Pastimes Sitting in the window, cuddling with mom, playing with toys, being "chased" by mom & "chasing" her back
Cats Like Me
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  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
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