
Domestic Longhair

Meet Lucy

We found Lucy when she was about 4 weeks old dumped in a dumpster, skinny and sick. She has defied all odds and is the best indoor companion! She loves to snuggle up and be our “watch cat” when we sleep or shower. Now she patrols the south side of Chicago through our many windows in our corner house. She’s rewarded with plenty of Temptations treats and French fries when she’s a good girl… which is always.

Facts About Me
  • Age 5
  • Nicknames Lulu, JuJu Bean, Junie B Jones
  • Dislikes Strangers, the vacuum
  • Foods French Fries
  • Pastimes Napping in her cat tree
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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