

Meet Mocha

Mocha is a very rambunctious kitten. She is very friendly and loves snuggles. We are 100% sure what breed she is since our friend gave her too us. Mocha is very vocal and persistent to get what she wants.. like cat nip.. we think she is precious enough to win this!!

Facts About Me
  • Age 6 months
  • Nicknames Chip( short for chocolate chip), fuzz ball, trouble maker
  • Dislikes Loud noises, being alone, the dogs next door..
  • Foods Mocha looooove cheese. If she hear or smell someone with it, she will definitely beg for it
  • Pastimes She for a bag of catnip and literally got it everywhere in the house..
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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