
white and orange taby

Meet Susie

She is very friendly and loves my friends.  When she is bored she will get one of her toys and toss it into the air with her paws and catch it with her teeth.  She loves our dog named Metang a Sheepoo and they will chase each other back and forth switching places and when the cat gets bored she'll jump onto the railing and as Metang walks away she jumps onto Metang and role around for a bit and then go their seperate ways.  Susie is a great, happy and friendly cat

Facts About Me
  • Age 7 years
  • Nicknames Susie
  • Dislikes pate cat food
  • Foods Friskies shreded chicken and salmon
  • Pastimes playing with her toys and our dog Metang
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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