Russian Blue


Tito is a 2 year old chunky Nebelung/Russian blue with beautiful gray fluffy, soft fur! He loves to chase around the other older cats, he loves rolling around on the floor like a dog. Another thing he enjoys is chasing around his plush toys and helping himself to to the many cat toys he has in his toy box! He is a very Clumsy kitty who is always knocking stuff over and falling off chairs. He is frightened very easily and is pretty jumpy. He loves climbing into paper bags to see what’s inside!

Facts About Me
  • Age 2
  • Nicknames Toto, tote
  • Dislikes Anything other than his cat food! Hates the vacuum
  • Foods Royal cannon dry food and royal cannon wet food!
  • Pastimes Chasing the other cats and hiding behind curtains
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