Baby fa

Meet Baby fa

Baby FA was part of a litter of outdoor cats. Unfortunately others kittys in this litter passed away or are very sick. On July 11 we brought this 1.2 lb kitty home to love and heal her. She has battled a eye infection, viral infection and respiratory infection but keeps getting stronger. Now at 1.95 lbs which brings more light to her name Baby FA ( baby fat ass shes all belly ) Baby FA is getting to be full of attitude and sass and steals our hearts more each day

Facts About Me
  • Age 9 weeks
  • Dislikes Mama trying to sneak pills into her food
  • Foods Science diet wet foods and ready whip
  • Pastimes Playing with green mouse and cuddling with mama
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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