Big Mama

Siamese/rag doll

Meet Big Mama

Hi! I'm Big Mama. Life got off to a rough start when I had my first litter of kittens. We were deserted in the middle of winter and I found a barn to have my babies in, but the old barn caught fire. I tried to carry my babies to safety, but sadly not all of us survived. Two kind humans found me and my daughter Gracie and took us into their warm home and fed and cared for us. They found us our forever home, and now we're fat and happy house cats!

Facts About Me
  • Age 7
  • Nicknames Mere, Meej
  • Dislikes Water, vacuums
  • Foods Friskies, duck livers, tuna tuna tuna!
  • Pastimes Watching Animal Planet, playing with my daughter and humans
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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