
moggie short haired

Meet Dolly

The saying curiosity killed the cat springs to mind with anyone who meets Dolly.. she is that ditzy. She is intrigued by everything and knows when she shouldnt be doing something as when i catch her she jumps 3 foot in the air looking very naughty. She loves to climb on your head and sit/stand there just purring and watching everything. She will set her sites on you from the other side of the room and plumet herself towards you leaving you to drop everything just to catch her. Shes a very vocal

Facts About Me
  • Age 1 year 4 months
  • Nicknames boo boo, dolly wally, princess
  • Dislikes bathtime and being ignored!
  • Foods tuna, cat yoghurt, dreamies
  • Pastimes sitting on your head when you sit on the loo
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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