mini kitty


Meet mini kitty

Min Min is a a munchkin cat with the most expressive face and eye's. She's a destructive little thing especially for a tiny little low-rider of a cat. She's super loving to everyone, but she's also trying to be Queen of the house and with 4 other cats she makes her small size be known around the house by flipping on her side and attacking with the tiniest of paws, small but fierce my little min-min maroooo is! And the funniest meow i can only explain as a raspy old ladies voice!

Facts About Me
  • Age 3
  • Nicknames min-min kitten, min-min marooooooo! little terror
  • Dislikes when another cat gets more of my time then her
  • Foods the cat treats i sneak her when my father isnt looking lolsn't
  • Pastimes watching t.v by my feet, being destructive, clawing and bunny kicking a favorite toy!
Cats Like Me
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Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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