
part maine coon - part hobo

Meet Munty

Munty arrived last in a litter of 4. He wasn't breathing and I rubbed his little tummy and got him breathing again. It was obvious he was the runt of the litter, he was small and weak and had a broken tail and dislocated hip (which we learned had happened during his birth) and his mummy didn't have much to do with him. Our dog took to licking him and making him suckle his mummy and he has survived lots of trauma's ever since. He would go missing for days, weeks and even 4 months!.

Facts About Me
  • Age 9
  • Nicknames Muntychunty, Mr Fluff, Muntypants.
  • Dislikes Loud noises, rain, dogs, being unable to go outside.
  • Foods anything except cheese. (pigeon is my favourite!)- I always take some back for mummy but she don't like it.
  • Pastimes sleeping on mums bed, sleeping on mums chair. watching video's of birds on the laptop.
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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