

Meet Nunu

Nunu loves naps and cuddles herself into practically any space in any position!She is especially fond of sleeping on top of her mommy (Michelle) and also enjoys sleeping in her moms arm at night.She has a unique hobby-she fetches any sponge from out of the bath or container and walks around with it in her mouth,moaning and meowing.If she sees us she drops it,but when we are not around she jumps onto the couch or bed with it and kneeds and purrs while making soft meowing sounds.

Facts About Me
  • Age 8 years
  • Nicknames Vettie, Spekkies, Ousus
  • Dislikes Touching her Belly, Children, Strangers
  • Foods Hills Chicken, Complete Care, Tuna
  • Pastimes Napping, Snacking, Getting rubbed by Mommy
Cats Like Me
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  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
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