
Grey tabby

Meet Opie

Opie is 4 years old and thinks he is boss and must have my full attention.  He is very active ,has no problem letting you know if he doesn't like what your saying and is very smartelic.  He loves hugs and climbing on my back as though he's still a kitten.  He is the most awesome Catly ever!

Facts About Me
  • Age 4 years
  • Nicknames Bubba,bubba Sonz , Opie Sonz,Mommas Babi Boy not a daddies!
  • Dislikes Beef. Lol
  • Foods Cheesy wet food and salmon!
  • Pastimes Snuggles and being carried every where I go especially when I first get hope!
Cats Like Me
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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