Pilgrim Wu Tang


Meet Pilgrim Wu Tang

She's an ex-barn cat who became a city cat after she was attacked by a wild animal and survived.  Two years later, she's scaling our 5 foot back fence with no problem and is entirely too smart for her own good.  She's fluffy and soft but if she gets grumpy, her claws come out: hence her second name "Wu Tang" because she's "nothing to mess with,". The groomer learned that lesson the hard way. 

Facts About Me
  • Age 3 years
  • Nicknames always surprised cat
  • Dislikes Being forcibly cuddled, being groomed & other cats
  • Foods Tuna
  • Pastimes Eating, sleeping, & imitating a flying monkey
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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