

Meet Pounce

Pounce is an opinionated, 13 year old cat, rescued from the Atlanta Humane Society at 8 weeks of age.  He's very vocal, photogenic, and even has his own Facebook page:  Pounce, a cat with Catitude.  He rules the household, including his humans and two Chihuahuas.  He thinks its only proper for him to be your cat of the week!

Facts About Me
  • Age 13
  • Nicknames Pounce, Pouncie, Poozle
  • Dislikes Sometimes he doesn't like his vitamins or his herbal formulas
  • Foods Chicken and Temptation treats
  • Pastimes Watching bird "TV" from the sun room, playing the shower curtain game, chasing the dogs
Comments (3)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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