

Meet Salty

Salty is my lover boy! He is definitely a momma’s boy at heart. He acts like a shadow to his momma Scarlett. Salty has a twin brother named Pepper who is black with brown eyes. They are best friends & are always getting into trouble! Salty is always first to finish his food. He’s a follower & is never far behind his momma or bro. Salty was born completely white & ended up being a long haired colorpoint! My model boy deserves the world!

Facts About Me
  • Age 7 months
  • Nicknames Mr. Salty Bean, Salty Spitoon, Salty Walty
  • Dislikes butt baths and nail trims (we’re working on it)
  • Foods kitty gogurt and chicken
  • Pastimes Cuddling with momma Scar, playing with his brother Pepper
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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