

Meet Sassy

Sassy girl is about 19 years old in this most recent picture here. She is my lover bug and has been since day one, she is also quite the talker. She takes frequet baths and doesnt mind it too much. She is skiddish around the unfamiliar but a snuggle bug with mama. Thats my girl since the 1st grade. 

Facts About Me
  • Age 19
  • Nicknames Nosey Rosey
  • Dislikes Anything loud or quick in movement
  • Foods Tunaaa
  • Pastimes Dressing her up in baby clothes! haha
Cats Like Me
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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