Sawyer Brown

Maine Coon

Meet Sawyer Brown

Sawyer Brown was a community cat just a year old when he was trapped in my neighborhood. I had just lost my senior siamese girl kitty & I think she was nudging me in spirit to get this boy & bring him home. I called the rescue the same day it posted his picture & told them I wanted him. That was April 2018 and he's been a joy in my life ever since. His ear is clipped because he was fixed by the rescue but he's still the handsomest boy ever. Sugar in heaven picked him for me and I am grateful.

Facts About Me
  • Age 4 yr 10 mo
  • Nicknames Bubba, honey buns, stubs, stub butt
  • Dislikes Loud claps of thunder, wind, sudden movement, wet food
  • Foods Hartz Delectable Squeeze Ups & Friskies or Temptation crunchy Treats
  • Pastimes Lounging on top his cat tree surveiling his domain, hunting bugs & bringing them to mom (yikes), sleeping in moms lap
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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