
domestic black cat

Meet Tofy

Tofy is a tiny little kitten that one day came at my door, Went in side through the cat door and went in my bed to sleep with me. in the morning, I wook up and so on me cat fur when there was no cat on me. I went in the kitchen to eat, I put in my boll cirials, went to get my milk, and when I came back... My food was gone. It had the same cat hair in the boll like the one on the bed. I so a cat comming to me with the same hair in my bed and in the boll. Tofy!

Facts About Me
  • Age Two months old
  • Nicknames Tof
  • Dislikes Being lonely
  • Foods fish
  • Pastimes meow
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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