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Uplift The Cat!

Petcurean's campaign to raise awareness of overlooked, purrfectly adoptable shelter cats!

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Right now, across Canada and the United States, thousands of deserving cats are homeless – living on the streets or in overcrowded rescue shelters. As animal lovers, we all know the joy that comes from welcoming a furry family member or two, and it’s heartbreaking to imagine so many deserving animals going unloved.

 A 2017 study from the Canadian Humane Society found that 73 per cent of animal shelters were at capacity, and that twice as many cats being are being admitted than dogs. Many of these animals get overlooked for adoption because they are older, have medical challenges or other supposed “imperfections”. This means that thousands of cats are spending years in shelters, while others are succumbing to stress-related illnesses or being euthanized. And for homeless cats that live outdoors, the risks of disease transmission, illness, injury and death are daily realities.   

Earlier this year, Petcurean launched their “Uplift the Underdog” campaign to encourage people to adopt rescue dogs, and now they are doing the same for our feline friends. The goal of “Uplift the Underdog: Cat Edition” is to encourage people to consider adopting “underdog cats” – cats who are traditionally less likely to get adopted due to age, medical challenges, appearance, or other issues. The campaign will begin on October 29, 2018, and rescue groups and animal shelters across Canada and the United States are encouraged to nominate their most deserving but overlooked cats. 

It’s so important that we do what we can to encourage people to adopt rescue cats. The need is urgent. By inspiring people to see beyond the so-called imperfections and focusing on the amazing heart and spirit of the cats, Petcurean’s Uplift the Underdog: Cat Edition contest will help shelter cats find the loving homes they deserve.  

From October 29 – November 16, 2018, rescue groups will be invited to nominate their most overlooked but deserving cats for the chance to win the grand prize, which includes a lifetime supply of food from Petcurean, the opportunity to be featured in an upcoming marketing campaign and a 500lbs donation of food to the shelter that nominated them.

When the nomination period closes, eight finalists will be chosen to receive a one year supply of Petcurean food and a 500lbs donation of food to the shelter who nominated them. The public will then be asked to vote for the cat they find most deserving on Petcurean’s website, and the winner of the grand prize will be announced on December 3, 2018.

So please, encourage your local shelter or rescue group to nominate their most deserving cat, and be sure to vote! By getting involved in this campaign, you can help people see beyond any perceived “imperfections” and focus on what matters most – the tremendous love these deserving cats have to give. We animal lovers know how much better life can be with a furry companion by our side!

To learn more on how to be involved, head over to their site!

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