

Meet Tonka

Tonka is a 5 month old champagne mink Tonkinese kitten that I adopted from the humane society I used to work for. She loves chasing bugs, wrestling with our other kitten and our dachshund, and racing all of the other cats to the food bowl. I have wanted a siamese type breed cat since I was a little girl and am so happy to have this beautiful addition to our family! 

Facts About Me
  • Age 5 months
  • Nicknames Tonka Butt, Tonka Tuff, Tonka Baby
  • Dislikes being held for nail trims
  • Foods milk, ice cream, pretty much anything we eat, she wants!
  • Pastimes lounging in the Florida sunshine on the patio
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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